Primavera Lyrics

Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana - Primavera Lyrics


Lluvia de sol
Como Una Bendicion
La vida renace con su luz
La primavera ya llego

Todo es asi
Regreso a la raiz
Tiempo de inquieta juventud
En primavera ya

La tierra negra se vuelve verde
Y las montanas y el desierto
Un bello jardin

Como la semilla
Lleva nueva vida
Hay en esta primavera una nueva era

En el aire de este nuevo universo
Hoy se respira libertad
En primavera ya

La tierra negra se vuelve verde
Y las montanas y el desierto
Un bello jardin

Como la semilla
Leeva nueva vida
Hay en esta primavera una nueva era

Song & Lyrics Facts

Carlos Santana's Primavera is a single released in 2019 from his album Africa Speaks. The song was written by Carlos Santana, Buika, and Tom Scholz with additional writing credits to David Brown, Michael Carabello, Gregg Rolie and Chester Thompson.

It features Spanish singer Concha Buika and the classic lineup of the band, including Neal Schon on guitar, Gregg Rolie on keyboards, Michael Shrieve on drums, Karl Perazzo on percussion and Benny Rietveld on bass. With its uplifting lyrics, Primavera conveys a message of hope and resilience. Its melodic Latin rhythms capture the essence of springtime as it celebrates the beauty of life. Released on June 14th, 2019, Primavera has become one of Carlos Santana’s most popular songs and continues to inspire listeners around the world.

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