Sandra’S Having Her Brain Out Lyrics

The Soft Boys

The Soft Boys - Sandra’S Having Her Brain Out Lyrics


Sandra's having her brain out now

And she feels alright
Like a slot machine
Like a pinball hook

You don't really need a brain, ducky
If you're a girl, it's like tonsils
They're more trouble than they're worth

Out, out, out, out, out

Sandra's been to nightmare school
Sandra done a collage of nightmares
Slept with a virus and slept with a mule

Now she works in a shop in a crimplene hairnet
She works in a shop in the south
Now she waddles around in a crimplene hairnet
Tickets grow out of her mouth

Someone's pulling your leaves off
Someone's pulling your leaves off
Someone's pulling your leaves off
Someone's pulling your leaves off
Pull 'em off

Brenda's having her heart washed
Norman's having his soul dry cleaned

Brenda's having her heart washed
Harry's having his mind replaced

And they feel alright
Like a naked bulb
Like a living bulb

Bloaty's having his newt
Bloaty's having his newt
Bloaty's having his newt installed

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