Calcutta Lyrics

Sleep Token

Sleep Token - Calcutta Lyrics


I am caught, tangled in, wrapped and quartered
Shipping out and over
Time, lived again
For just a moment
Missing pieces find me
I sweat and I ache for your eyes and the way you breathe

And I wake, say your name
And I wake, say your name

You are more than warm belief
Melting skywards
Walled in silence broken
I'm whole again
For just a moment
'Till the morning comes

And I wake, say your name
And I wake, saying your name

Oh she said you better believe it, and I said you don't love
Oh you said you better be there

Time, lived again
For just a moment
Missing pieces find me
And I'm whole again
For just a moment
Missing pieces find me

Time, lived again
For just a moment
Missing pieces find me
And I'm whole again
Whole again
Whole again

Song & Lyrics Facts

Sleep Token's song "Calcutta" was released on October 11th, 2019 and is featured on their debut album Sundowning. The band consists of four members including vocalist Vessels, guitarists JT Cavey and Adam Illingworth, as well as drummer Kris Platt.

Written by Vessels and Sleep Token, the lyrics to "Calcutta" tell a story of self-reflection in an effort to find inner peace. With its evocative soundscape, this track captures the emotion of searching for clarity while struggling with feelings of isolation.

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