De Peel In Brand Lyrics

Rowwen Hèze

Rowwen Hèze - De Peel In Brand Lyrics


Toen ik nog heel klein was
en van 't leave niks begreep
allien moar speulde oot en sliep
toen ik nog zo klein was
dat ik op de tiene mos goan stoan
um te kieken noar de moan
de witte streepe in de lucht
ge kneep ow oege half dicht
elke wolk was een gezicht
en 's oaves laat de hoar nog naat
nog efkes en nar bed
de raam wiet oap en giene sloap
en d'n hemel was vuurroej
mist hing op 't land
's oaves laat da stong de peel in brand
Ge kost oore droome
ge waart d'n baas van iedereen
vocht met de sterkste allien
langoet liggen in 't graas
ge rookt d'n asfalt en de zwaai
als 't pas geregend haai
ge had et mar met een druk
groeter worden mar wat ge ook deed
echt veul alder werde neet

Song & Lyrics Facts

Rowwen Hèze is a Dutch folk-rock group from the province of Limburg and their song “De Peel in Brand” was released on December 2, 1996 as part of their album De Peel in Brand. The band consists of five members: Jack Poels (vocals), Joop Kessels (guitar, accordion, vocals), Peter van der Wilt (bass, vocals), Henk Brouwers (keyboards) and Marco Braam (drums).

The lyrics for this song were written by Jack Poels and Joop Kessels. "De Peel in Brand" is a tribute to the region of Limburg and its people, depicting the beauty of the area with references to its culture and traditions. The melody is upbeat and traditional, making it an enjoyable listen while still conveying the message of the lyrics.

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