Born To Lose (Version Originale Remasterisée) Lyrics

Ray Charles

Ray Charles - Born To Lose (Version Originale Remasterisée) Lyrics


Born to lose, I've lived my life in vain
Every dream has only brought me pain
All my life I've always been so blue
Born to lose and now I'm losing you.

Born to lose, it seems so hard to bear
When I wake, and find that you're not there
You've grown tired and now you say we're through
Born to lose and now I'm losing you.

Born to lose, I've lived my life in vain
Every dream has only brought me pain
All my life I've always been so blue
Born to lose and now I'm losing you.
Born to lose and now I'm losing you.

Song & Lyrics Facts

Ray Charles' "Born to Lose" was released in 1956 as part of his album, The Great Ray Charles. Written by Ted Daffan and Frank Slack, the track was produced by Ahmet Ertegun and Jerry Wexler with the Raelettes providing backing vocals.

This original remastered version is a classic blues ballad that captures the essence of heartache and loss. With its slow tempo and soulful lyrics, it has become one of Ray Charles' most beloved songs. The song peaked at number 2 on Billboard's R&B chart in 1957. It remains an iconic piece of music today, cementing Ray Charles' place in musical history.

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