Don't Leave Me Now (Remastered) Lyrics

Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd - Don't Leave Me Now (Remastered) Lyrics


Ooooh babe
Don't leave me now
Don't say it's the end of the road
Remember the flowers I sent
I need you babe
To put through the shredder
In front of my friends
Ooooh babe
Don't leave me now

How could you go?
When you know how I need you
To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night
Ooooh babe
Don't leave me now

How can you treat me this way?
Running away
Ooooh babe
Why are you running away?

Ooooooh babe
Ooooooh babe
Ooooooh babe

Song & Lyrics Facts

Pink Floyd’s “Don't Leave Me Now” was released on the 1979 album The Wall. Written by Roger Waters and performed by Pink Floyd, the song is a heartbreaking plea from the protagonist of The Wall to not be abandoned in his time of need.

With lyrics that range from desperate pleas for understanding to angry accusations of betrayal, "Don't Leave Me Now" captures the emotional turmoil of the main character's situation. It has been remastered over the years and remains one of the most popular songs from The Wall album.

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