Hello Lyrics


OMFG - Hello Lyrics


How are you today?

Hello, hello

Oh my god, wow

How are you today?

Yes, it's that amazing
Yes, it's that amazing
Yes, it's that amazing
Yes, it's that amazing
Yeah my god, it's that amazing

How are you today?

Hello, hello

Oh my god, wow

How are you today?

Song & Lyrics Facts

Hello by OMFG is a catchy electronic song that was released on December 25, 2014. It was posted on Soundcloud by an anonymous artist who goes by the name of OMFG.

The song quickly gained popularity and attention from many EDM fans and critics. The song has a simple but catchy melody that consists of a few words and sounds. The lyrics are: Hello, hello Oh my god, wow Yes, it's that amazing You look so good I can't believe it The main messages in the lyrics are about expressing surprise and admiration for someone or something. The song is meant to be fun and playful, not serious or deep. Some people may think that the song is silly or annoying, but others may find it cute or amusing. The song has been used in many videos and games, such as Roblox. It has also been remixed by other artists, such as Marshmello. The song has over 250 million views on YouTube.

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