La Maison Près De La Fontaine Lyrics

Nino Ferrer

Nino Ferrer - La Maison Près De La Fontaine Lyrics


La maison près de la fontaine
Couverte de vigne vierge et de toiles d'araignée
Sentait la confiture et le désordre et l'obscurité

Autour il y avait le silence
Les guêpes et les nids des oiseaux
On allait à la pêche aux écrevisses
Avec Monsieur le curé
On se baignait tout nus, tout noirs
Avec les petites filles et les canards...

La maison près des HLM
A fait place à l'usine et au supermarché
Les arbres ont disparu, mais çá sent l'hydrogène sulfuré
La guerre
La société...

C'n'est pas si mal
Et c'est normal
C'est le progrès.

Song & Lyrics Facts

Nino Ferrer's "La Maison près de la fontaine" is a French-language song from his 1967 album, Nino and Radiah. It was written by Ferrer himself along with his wife, Radiah Frye.

The song features a mix of jazz, soul and funk elements, and its lyrics are about the joys of living in a small house near a fountain. Released in March 1967, it quickly became a hit single across Europe, reaching number one in France and Belgium. The track also featured on Nino and Radiah, an album that showcased the unique sound of Ferrer's band, which included saxophonist Jean-Claude Petit and guitarist Claude Engel. With its catchy melody and uplifting lyrics, "La Maison près de la fontaine" has become one of Ferrer's most beloved songs, and its lyrics continue to be quoted today.

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