Dotakni Me Usnama Lyrics
Neno Belan
Mirise sol u tvojoj kosi
sjecas me na bol i vjetar me nosi
prema tebi kao brod na grebenje
razbit ce me opet staro nevrijeme
ali svejedno je
kad znam da tebi pripadam
Svi putevi isto nas vode
bez mene nema ni za te slobode
a mislila si da te nece boljeti
ako odes prestat ces me voljeti
ali uzalud je sve, jos uvijek volis me
Dotakni me usnama
jos voli me pjesmama
dotakni me prstima
i skini bore s nasih godina
Ja odlazim i ne kazem zbogom
u srcu te nosim sa sobom
sve je isto, isto kao prosli put
ti mi samo tiho kazes sretan put
ali jos rijeci tisucu u nama umiru
A mislila si da te nece boljeti
ako odes prestat ces me voljeti
ali uzalud je sve, ja znam da
jos uvijek volis me
Song & Lyrics Facts
Neno Belan's song "Dotakni Me Usnama" was released in 2001 on the album "Zlatne Godine". The lyrics were written by Neno Belan and his band Fiumens.
This is a romantic ballad with a catchy melody that tells of longing for someone to touch one's lips. It has become an evergreen hit among listeners, especially during times of love. The music video features beautiful scenery of Croatia as well as scenes of Belan singing and playing guitar. The lyrics are full of emotion and speak about how much he wants to feel the other person's touch. With its heartfelt lyrics, this song will surely remain a classic for many years to come.