Im Nin Alu (Original Version) Lyrics

עפרה חזה

עפרה חזה - Im Nin Alu (Original Version) Lyrics


Im nin'alu
Dal thae na di vim
Dal thae ma rom
Lo nin'alu

Ja ja ja ja
I'm nin'alu lu lu
I'm nin'alu lu lu

El hi
El hi

I'm nin'alu lu lu
I'm nin'alu lu lu
El hi

Ja ja jal jal
You know I love you
Like no other
Like no other
In my prayer

Ho yat sha ham ro se wa sohvim
Mi yom ba ri oh nich la lu

I'm nin'alu lu lu
I'm nin'alu lu lu
El hi
Im nin'alu

Take me away, I need your help
Somebody cries within the herd
Oh... my God, I need your help

Ube shesh ka no fa yim sa vivim
Ofim be et yit galja lu

I'm nin'alu lu lu
I'm nin'alu lu lu
El hi
Im nin'alu
Dal thae na di vim
Dal thae ma rom
Lo nin'alu

Song & Lyrics Facts

Im Nin Alu is a song by the Israeli band, Ofra Haza. It was released in 1984 on their album Shaday.

The lyrics of Im Nin Alu were written by Uri Tzvi Greenberg and composed by Avihu Medina and Yair Rosenblum. It became an international hit after being remixed by Coldcut in 1988. The original version of Im Nin Alu has a light reggae feel to it with Hebrew-language lyrics about love and longing. Ofra Haza's soulful vocal performance gives this track its charm and makes it stand out from other popular songs of the era. The single was certified gold in France and reached number one in Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland and Israel.

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