Um Sonhador Lyrics
Leandro & Leonardo
Um Sonhador (C. Augusto e Piska)
Eu não sei prá onde vou
Pode até não dar em nada
Minha vida segue o sol
No horizonte dessa estrada
Eu nem sei mesmo quem sou
Nessa falta de carinho
Por não ter um grande amor
Aprendi a ser sozinho
E onde o vento me levar
Vou abrir meu coração
Pode ser que no caminho
Num atalho num sorriso
Aconteça uma paixão
E vou achar
Num toque do destino
O brilho de um olhar
Sem medo de amar
Não vou deixar
De ser um sonhador
Pois sei, vou encontrar
No fundo dos meus sonhos
O meu grande amor
Send By Fernando O. Costa
Song & Lyrics Facts
Leandro & Leonardo's song "Um Sonhador" is a romantic ballad released in 1990 as part of their album, Leandro & Leonardo. The lyrics were written by Paulo Massadas and the music was composed by Luiz Carlos da Vila.
This song has become one of their most renowned hits and continues to be loved by fans today. It speaks of the dreams of a lover who wants to make them come true with his beloved. The lyrics are full of emotion and longing for what could be. The band consists of brothers Leandro e Leonardo, who have been performing together since 1987. The single "Um Sonhador" peaked at number 1 on the Brazilian charts and was certified gold in Brazil. It also won two awards from Prêmio Sharp: Best Song of the Year and Best Video Clip of the Year. To this day, it remains an iconic classic in Brazilian popular music and its timeless appeal will continue to bring joy to listeners around the world.